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What Is Proof of Deposit?

Copyright protects literary, graphic, sound or audiovisual, and plastic creations, musical creations, software, applied art creations, or fashion creations. Copyright does not protect ideas or concepts.

How to Protect Your Creations?

To protect your creations, you need to prove that you are the author. You must provide what is called 'prior proof.' It is necessary to attribute a certain date to your creation.

With Ziplo, you can obtain prior proof with our timestamping system. Simple, convenient, and cost-effective. When you upload your document to our secure site, we record a fingerprint of it, timestamp it, and return a deposit certificate to you. We can keep your document for as long as you need it as prior proof.


Timestamping is a mechanism that involves associating a certain date and time with an event, information, or computer data. Its purpose is generally to record the moment at which an operation was performed. It can be a character string representing the date and time in an intelligible form. In France, the Ministry of the Interior is a timestamping authority, and we follow their instructions to comply with their regulations.

The Value of Blockchain

Blockchain is a technology for storing and transmitting information that is transparent, secure, and operates without a central control authority.

By extension, a blockchain is a database that contains the history of all transactions made by its users since its creation. This database is secure and distributed: it is shared by its various users without intermediaries, allowing each one to verify the validity of the chain. A public blockchain can thus be likened to a public, anonymous, and tamper-proof ledger.

We record the certificate in the blockchain to ensure its longevity and unquestionable validity.

Start protecting your creations with Ziplo

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